What wildlife drama........
We are so lucky to have such a nice working environment with so much wildlife around the marina, despite being so close to the M1 motorway and main line railway. The drama unfolded rather out of the blue just now; Liz was just leaving the office in her car and nearly ran over three fluffy ducklings. She then realised that their mother was calling for them across the road. We soon realised that she had her nest over the five ft high wall in the garden area of the neighbouring carpet wharehouse. Nigel & Richard arrived & Richard helped the remaining five duckilngs over the wall to join the others and between the four of us we pratrolled them down the road and onto the slipway to the safety of the shallow water, mother quacking all the way. It was such a lovely sight to see. Once at the waters edge they all had a thirst quenching drink and mother paused brifley, checking that all her brood were with her before she made a move into the marina guiding them all the way. What Lucky Duckings!
Enjoy the photographs