We get asked questions all the time about owning boats and living on them, and we have a wealth of knowledge in the sales office that we share with our customers, but alongside that, we also tell people to have a look at Youtube.
There are literally thousands of vloggers all sharing what life is like on the cut, from people with holiday boats, to people who've lived aboard for many years, to people who are just starting out on their narrowboat journey and have no idea where life on the cut will take them.
We've put just a few of our favourites together in this blog to get you started, but if you find any other gems you think we should share, or in fact, you start your own channel, please let us know.
My Narrowboat & Heritage Ventures

This channel is run by Alan, who took early retirement in 2018 and purchased a 45 foot narrowboat, which he renamed 'Lazy Daze'. He invites you to join him on board, as he explores the canals, works on his boat and visits places of historic interest.
Follow Alan here: https://www.youtube.com/@MyNarrowboatVenture
The Narrowboat Experience
Want to live on a narrowboat? Learn more about composting toilets? Wondering if your pet would like boat life? Enjoy the British Countryside? You are in the right place!
This channel is run by Annamarie and Kath who live and work on board their 57ft narrowboat full time (and have done since 2016). They share lots of cat videos, their life afloat, plus tips and tricks for surviving life off grid. They continually cruise the UK canal network and work from the boat, which enables them to share regular cruising trips, along with trips Through The Hedge to explore the towns and villages they visit.
Before you consider life afloat, check out their journey from land to narrowboat, plus essential tips for living on a narrowboat.
Follow Annamarie and Kath here: https://www.youtube.com/TheNarrowboatExperience
Robbie Cumming

Robbie lives on the Naughty Lass, his 42ft narrowboat home - go with him as he visitsas many of the canals and rivers of the UK as he can. Real boat life, exploring local towns and cities along the way. You may have also seen Robbie on his TV show "Canal Boat Diaries".
Follow Robbie here: https://www.youtube.com/@RobbieCumming
Minimal List
Run by Jo, Michael and George, Narrowboat live-aboards since 2017. They have travelled on the whole intergrated canal and river network. After two years sitting on a mooring in Cambridge, they are off on our travels once more.
Follow Jo, Michael and George here: https://www.youtube.com/minimallist
Narrowboat Pirate
This is Heidi, who is passionate about travel, adventure and living an alternative lifestyle. After selling her house, she now lives & work aboard her canal boat home - The Rum Wench - cruising the UK's canals and rivers trading as The Pirate Boat.
Follow Heidi here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNarrowboatPirate
Boat Time
Amy and Wes, who are exploring the entire UK aboard their narrowboat home!
Join them as they tackle every aspect of nomadic life - good and bad - in a fun and memorable journey! Also, look out for them in the first series of Channel 4's Narrow Escapes.
Follow Amy and Wes here: https://www.youtube.com/@BoatTime
Jemma and Ganymede
Join Jemma and Ganymede, her 60ft narrowboat, as they embark on a journey of exploration, relaxation, and discovery aboard. Jemma's channel is your gateway to the mesmerising waterways where she shares her experiences, insights and the beauty of slow travel
Follow Jemma here: https://www.youtube.com/@Jemma.and.Ganymede
We hope you found these channels both useful and entertaining. We certainly love to see the adventures people have in their narrowboats and we hope you do too.